Who we are
Salentec is a company constantly involved in scientific and technological research.
Salentec offers smartsolutions for complex systems and processes. A key element of its excellence is its deep knowledge of materials science and engineering.

Salentec is a virtuous model of business: from science to market.
Salentec was founded in 2005 by a group of researchers and academics of the University of Salento and entitled in 2007 as one of the first spin-off companies of the University of Lecce.
Since its constitution, the company has been active in the development and transfer of findings
and innovation of technical and industrial services in the field
of materials engineering. Moreover Salentec has participated, in partnership with various Universities and Research Institutions, in numerous industrial research projects, particularly in science material field working on ceramics, composites and polymers.
Since 2009, thanks to the skills and know-how gained through R&D activities, Salentec has started the production of components and devices for the biomedical and aerospace markets.
Today the company produces and sells technical ceramic components for the aerospace industry (aeroengine supply chain) and technopolymer primary packaging for the biomedical sector in compliance with the high industry standards and under ISO certified quality management systems.
The legal and operational headquarters is in Lecce, in Salento. Salentec is located on a 1500m² site equipped with high technology production plants and
R&D laboratories and facilities where highly skilled people work proficiently to guarantee the top quality of
products and services.
Salentec Board

Dott. Antonio Licciulli
Company co-founder &
Chief Innovation Officer

Ing. Antonio Chiechi
Company co-founder &
Chief Production Officer

Dott.ssa Daniela Diso
Company co-founder &
Chief Quality Officer

Ing. Maurizio Fersini
Company co-founder &
Chief Technology Officer

Ing. Sergio Franza
Company co-founder &
Chief Operating Officer
Our team